When you make a donation to the Canadian Anesthesia Research Foundation, your gift will support the future of our specialty. Your generosity will foster the growth and discovery of anesthesia research in Canada. Your gift will also be acknowledged with a charitable tax receipt.
To Make an Online Donation to CARF:

To make on online donation to CARF and support the CAS Research Awards Program, please click the button above that will direct you to our CanadaHelps.org landing page. From there, you will be able to select a fund designation from a drop-down menu.
To Support the ‘Career Scientist Award” Campaign:

CAREER SCIENTIST AWARD is our campaign, in support of the Career Scientist Award. The Career Scientist Award provides partial salary support over two years to a qualified new investigator to fund a minimum of two days per week from the successful applicant’s university or faculty.
“The CARF Career Scientist Award was the catalyst responsible for my career trajectory!
CARF’s support gave me the necessary time to complete a number of studies, write the necessary manuscripts and participate in collaborative efforts which I hope have shaped the care of women in childbirth in Canada. Research and subsequently anesthesia need greater levels of self investment – our future is dependent upon this.
Please join me in supporting CARF’s fundraising campaign: “CAREER SCIENTIST AWARD” because We, the Canadian Anesthesia community are the anesthetic agents of change”
– Dr. Ron George, 2011 Career Scientist Award Winner
To Donate Stocks and Securities:
If you wish to gift stocks/ securities towards the CARF General Fund, please click here. or email Elyse Floyd at carf1@cas.ca for the form.
If you wish to gift stocks/ securities towards the CAS Endowment Fund, please click here or email Elyse Floyd carf1@cas.ca for form.
To Donate Through Mail:
If you wish to give a gift through mail by credit card or cheque, please complete this form and send it to:
Canadian Anesthesiologists’ Society
455 Danforth Avenue, Unit 469
Toronto, ON M4K 1P1
Please make a gift to CARF when you renew your yearly CAS membership. We thank each and every one of our valued donors.